Engagement Models

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Fixed Price

Our business analyst and technical team study the work to be carried out and provide the client with an estimated time & costs for the defined scope of work. It offers predictability of time & costs and is useful when the scope of the project is well defined in advance. It suits small size to medium scale of business where the need is very well defined with very limited ambiguity about the tasks to be carried and it needs to be addressed in a fixed timely manner. Based on the specifications given, our team quickly estimates the cost and time required to finish the scope of work done. Contact Us

Time & Material

Time & Material model is used for medium to long-term projects when a skilled person will work on given project tasks on a basis for a fixed per man hour rate. The main benefit of this model is it gives freedom to the client to prioritize the tasks and allows them to make changes in requirements more freely compared to the fixed price model. The development team works as per the need and priority set by the client or their team member. Contact Us

Dedicated Team

A skilled resource will be offered for a monthly fixed pay of minimum 160 man-hours of work on a given task with specified skill set. This approach is best suited for a project that requires long-term development capacity. We help our clients in providing the best compatible resource for the needed technology stack for growing business needs. It gives the client to control to choose the developers and project manager based on their skill set and experience without the hassle to manage the day to the day development issues. Hire Dedicated Developers

Hybrid Engagement

This model is a mix of two or more models from above based on the need of clients. It gives flexibility to the clients to change the engagement model based on the needs and demands of the business. The core advantage of using this model it gives complete transparency during all project development stages along with the least possibility of untimely escalations. Since it is a blend of two or more models, it is a low-risk model suited for small to medium size organizations. Contact Us


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We’re a team of creative tech-enthus who are always ready to help business to unlock their digital potential. Contact us for more information.